心理治療師 . Ava Chiu

Ava Chiu

Ava Chiu 趙慰芬 BA(Hons)

Ava 在英國攻讀教育與及語文,獲一級榮譽畢業,並在美國跟隨名師 Randall Churchill 及 Marleen Mulder 學習催眠治療,受訓為臨床催眠治療師及回溯治療師,並隨多位世界級名師繼續深造催眠治療,包括Dr Jeffrey Zeig 及 Dr Stephen Gilligan, 其後在Dr Keith To 的指導下,成為高階催眠治療師、高階身心語言程序學執行師及企業教練。

Ava 有感於許多問題和疾病,都有身心因素,兩者 互為影響,因此追隨名師 Dr Sonya Gomes,Dr Cornelia Rossi 及 Ale Duarte 等,接受體感治療、身心治療以及創傷治療的培訓。Ava 亦利用內觀靜坐,幫助求助者尋回內在的平安和力量。

Ava 結合多種治療方法,針對認知、潛意識、以及體感多方面進行治療,比起單純對話式的治療方法,更為全面、深入和有效,多年來陪伴不少求助者踏上身、心、靈的成長路。Ava 最大的欣慰,是看見求助者重新接觸自己內在的自癒能力,再次感受生活的美善。

Ava 過去有二十多年政務官的行政工作經驗,深切明白全職工作,同時肩負家長、配偶等多重角色的難處。她從自身的經歷,體會到必須用心關愛自己,生命才有出路,個人才可以健康成長,與家人和朋友才可以建立健康的關係。Ava 渴望支持求助者,處理在事業、家庭、人際關係、壓力、情緒或身心疾病方面遇到的課題,並且承諾陪伴他們,一起發現這些挑戰背後的生命禮物。


Ava graduated with a first class honor in Educational Studies and English in the UK, and was trained in the United States under Randall Churchill and Marleen Mulder as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Regression Specialist. She continued to deepen her study in hypnotherapy under various masters including Dr Jeffrey Zeig and Dr Stephen Gilligan, and became a master hypnotherapist, master Neuro-linguistic Programming practitioner and a corporate coach under the instruction of Dr Keith To in Hong Kong.

Noticing that many issues and diseases experienced by her clients are rooted in both their mind and body, each influencing the other, Ava has sought and received extensive training in Body-Mind Therapy, Somatic Experiencing Therapy and trauma healing from leading overseas masters, including Dr Sonya Gomes, Dr Cornelia Rossi and Ale Duarte. Ava has also made extensive use of mindfulness meditation as a tool to help her clients regain their inner calm and resources.

Bringing different specialities to her work, Ava’s approach integrates the cognitive, subconscious and somatic dimensions, which is more holistic, profound and effective than mere talk therapy. She delights in seeing clients access their inborn ability to self heal and open to the beauty that abounds in living as human beings.

Having worked as an Administrative Officer for over 25 years, Ava knows what it is like to be caught in a web of demands as a full time career person, parent, and spouse. She has learned through her own circumstances the importance of consciously taking care of one’s well being in order to keep to the path of personal growth and healthy relationship. Ava is keen to support her clients as they tackle difficult issues in their career, family, relationship, stress/emotional management and psycho-somatic illnesses, and is committed to accompanying them as they seek to discover the gifts behind these challenges in their life.

Body-mind Therapy
Personal Growth and Corporate Coaching
Neuro-linguistic Programming
Somatic Experiencing
Trauma Healing
Couple Relationship and Parenting

B.A. (First Class Honours)
Teacher’s Certificate
Clinical Hypnotherapist, American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, 2011
Registered Hypnotherapist, General Hypnotherapy Register, 2012
Certified Hypnotherapist, American Board of Hypnotherapy
Somatic Experiencing Certification Program Intermediate Level
Master Neuro-Linguisic Programming Practitioner


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1403 Wayson Commercial House
68 Lockhart Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong [map]