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心理評估 Psychological Tests
Attachment Style Test
Attachment Styles Quiz -Adult Attachment Questionnaire
Screening Test
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) Test
Quick Adult ADHD Screening Test
Anxiety Screening Quiz
Autism / Asperger’s Quiz
Depression Screening Test
Goldberg Bipolar Screening Quiz
Schizophrenia Screening Quiz
Brain Tests
The Brain Type Test
The Detailed IQ Test
The Emotional IQ Test
Personality Tests
Personality Test – Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS -II)
The Enneagram Test
The Big Five Personality Test
Assertiveness Test
Self Esteem Test
Optimism Test
Career Tests
FREE MAPP Assessment – Which job best match your personality traits? Are you happy with your job?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test
Career Satisfaction Test
Organization Test
Success Likelihood Test
Leadership Test
Lifestyle Tests
Sleep Test
Anxiety Test
Parental Readiness Test
Partner Suitability Test
Relationship Satisfaction Test
Marriage Readiness Test
FREE MAPP Assessment – Are you happy with your job?
– Click Here to go to the test!
Discover your strengths, your styles for communications, learning and leadership. See what career is best for you.
The Anxiety Test – Click Here to go to the test!
This test will help you uncover some of the deeper causes of your worrisome emotions and point you in the right direction for a successful recovery and relaxed lifestyle. In the midst of trauma, panic, worry or depression, it becomes increasingly difficult to decipher our feelings. In those trying times, it is those negative beliefs that unfortunately hold us back from reaching our potential. Consequently, the sense of helplessness we feel when we fail at overcoming these problems only adds to our anxiety.
From this test, you will be able to find your fears, from your oldest preconceptions to the reactions they cause you every day. Once you can identify the cause of your anxiety, you can preserve a degree of serenity and hold onto your humanity, vigor, and enthusiasm for life.
Anxiety can be divided into eight central categories. These eight categories correspond with eight major anxiety disorders, all of which are treatable and are extremely common. After taking this test, you will be able to tell if you show signs of suffering from one or more of these disorders. The eight categories are as follows:
- Panic Disorder – Do you have panic attacks for no reason?
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Are you always worried about something?
- Anxiety Disorder with Depression – Do you swing between intense emotions of worry and despair?
- Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia – Does your fear of leaving the house cause you to have panic attacks?
- Social Phobia – Are you terrified of public evaluation and interaction?
- Simple Phobia – Do you have an unreasonable and persistent fear that focuses on a specific animal, object or situation?
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Are you repeatedly compelled to perform rituals to counteract or prevent your obsessive fear?
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Are you plagued by anxiety due to a past traumatic experience?
Partner Suitability Test – Click Here to go to the test!
With your unique personality and personal experiences, it is not easy to find a partner “just like you.” However, your partner is likely more complex than a mirror of yourself – it is important to realize differences are necessary to sustain a strong and interesting relationship. Continue with this test to discover just how suitable you are with your current partner.
Relationship Satisfaction Test – Click Here to go to the test!
This assessment is designed to determine how satisfied you are in your current relationship. Sometimes people delude themselves into believing that they are content with their mate, but unfortunately, satisfaction can often be confused with comfort and safety. Before you stick with a relationship that may not be as satisfying as possible, continue with this test.
Marriage Readiness Test – Click Here to go to the test!
Are you ready for marriage? Have your past relationships adequately prepared you to be a good life partner for someone? Do you have the traits to be a good life partner? Do your habits and interests indicate that you are prepared for marriage? This fun test will analyze information you provide about yourself and will predict whether you are or are not ready for marriage.
The test consists of 36 questions that will take just minutes to answer. After you complete the test, you will be given a free score indicating how prepared you are for marriage. You will also be given an analysis of the score and how it applies to your search for marital bliss.
The Detailed IQ test – Click Here to go to the test!
Our IQ Test and scoring system was rigorously designed to provide the most accurate results available in an online intelligence test.
The Emotional IQ Test – Click Here to go to the test!
The following Emotional Intelligence Test rates your ability to regulate your emotions in a healthy and balanced manner. After completion of the test, you will be provided with your greatest emotional strength and weakness, with an option to purchase a detailed evaluation of your aptitude in each emotional category. Awareness of your emotional abilities allows you to improve your emotional intelligence and live a happier, more balanced lifestyle.
The Parental Readiness Test – Click Here to go to the test!
This test is designed to determine whether or not you are ready to be a parent. Is your desire for a child something you should wait on, or are you truly prepared to take that fundamental leap into a new life role? This test does not determine whether you will be a fit parent someday, but can help you decide if now is the right time for you. Please answer the questions as honestly as possible.
The Brain Type Test – Click Here to go to the test!
The Brain Type Test is based on the various characteristics associated specifically with each hemisphere of the brain. This test produces results unique to each individual’s own left and right hemispheres. Many of the methods used here were pioneered by Dr. Roger Sperry’s research on brain lateralization, for which he won a Nobel Prize in 1981.
The test examines the categories of linear, sequential, symbolic, logical, verbal, and reality-based, which are associated with the left hemisphere. It also examines the categories of holistic, random, concrete, intuitive, nonverbal, and fantasy-oriented, which are associated with the right hemisphere. There are always exceptions, and while the majority of humans are going to be classified as being left-brained or right-brained, one goal we have as humans is to strive to utilize both halves of the brain when processing information.
The Career Satisfaction Test – Click here to go to the test!
What is your level of career satisfaction? Could it be improved? Do you dislike your workplace but enjoy your work? Is your current career a good fit, or is it time for something new?
Every day, thousands of people make a life-changing career decision. Everyone deserves a career that is truly enjoyable. However, many people do not attempt to find their best career due to fear and anxiety over leaving the “comfort zone” of their current work.
Through assessing your feelings, opinions, and other factors, our test will determine your current level of career satisfaction. You may be satisfied with your career and your current workplace but wondering if it could be even better. You may enjoy your career but dislike your job, or you may be ready for a life-changing career move.
The Organization Test – Click Here to go to the test!
This test is designed to effectively measure your skills and motivation behind organization. As organization is a key factor in leadership, team-workmanship, and overall professional productiveness, we have developed a test that will help you find your strengths and weaknesses in the areas of organization that will help you become a more organized (and consequently more effective) individual in the workplace and at home.
The Success Likelihood Test – Click Here to go to the test!
The likelihood of success varies from person to person. Everyone has unique gifts and abilities that may be used to propel them to success in various aspects of their life.
It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to give yourself the best chance for success in life. Knowing your strong points, you will be able to utilize them more effectively. Once you know your weaknesses, you will be able to improve them and use them to your advantage.
The Leadership Test – Click Here to go to the test!
This test is designed to effectively measure your leadership skills. This assessment will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses, which will allow you to better discover your ability to lead others to success. Leadership, like many talents, can be improved with effort and self-knowledge. Knowing your limitations as a leader will allow you to improve upon them.
The Sleep Test – Click Here to go to the test!
Do you sleep well at night? Or do you awaken to find your sheets and blankets on the floor? Have you ever wondered if you suffer from a sleep disorder? This test will help you discover answers to these questions and more.
The majority of the population suffers from a sleeping disorder. On average we spend a third of our day asleep. Sleep is a period of rest and rejuvenation, and a sleep disorder can affect your health, your productivity, and your love life.
The Enneagram Test – Click Here to go to the test!
Enneagram, a definition: The Enneagram finds its origins in theology, with theories stretching back for centuries. Its purpose is threefold: to identify which one of the nine personality types is yours, to describe the nature of the conflicting forces of each personality, and to describe the cycle of change that is constant in human nature.
This test uses the Enneagram to help you see yourself more clearly to become a more balanced and integrated individual. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the Enneagram does not promise perfection. Its goal is not to help you live in a constant state of Zen-like enlightenment. Rather, the Enneagram helps us learn how to accept ourselves and let go of the belief that life should be an ongoing quest for perfection. Then we can learn to rise to the more worthwhile challenge of reaching our unique potential. The Enneagram helps us to make the most of ourselves by teaching us to move beyond self-centeredness in order to make room within ourselves for others.
The Enneagram categorizes personality types into 9 unique types, each with specific patterns of thought, speaking style, emotions, sensations and belief systems. They are as follows:
- The Helper – The caring, nurturing type who always wants to help others, sometimes at the expense of him or herself.
- The Motivator – The success-oriented, practical type, who is constantly on the search for ways to improve careers and relationships, yet often neglects the obvious important things.
- The Artist – The sensitive, withdrawn type, who can appear initially thoughtful, but is often mistaken as apathetic or lazy.
- The Thinker – The intense, intellectual type, who often excels beyond all others, but can also recluse into anonymity.
- The Loyalist – The committed, security-oriented type, who will stand by another regardless of actions, yet can also be seen as too passive to take action for one’s self.
- The Generalist – The impulsive, busy type who is always doing something – important or not.
- The Leader – The confident, dominant type who will be able to direct people into doing what he or she wants – for better or worse.
- The Peacemaker – The easygoing, modest type who always tries to find common ground between others, yet can also be taken advantage of quite easily.
- The Reformer – The rational, idealistic type who thinks before he or she acts, but can also be caught up in the ideal world, consequently failing to achieve realistic thoughts and actions.
The Big Five Personality Test – Click Here to go to the test!
The Big Five Personality Test is based on the ‘Big Five’ theory of personality, pioneered in a popular 1963 study by psychologist Warren Norman. This theory classifies the main non-cognitive personality traits as:
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Emotional Stability
- Intellect/Openness
The Assertiveness Test – Click Here to go to the test!
Do you get what you want? Are you able to effectively voice you complaints, without alienating your audience? This test is designed to effectively measure your level of proper assertiveness. Our six categories will help you discover your assertive strengths and weaknesses, which can take you to the next level of effective communication.
Once you’ve discovered your personal problem areas of assertiveness, you will learn to communicate in ways that promote equality in human relationships. You reach this equality with a compromise of needs known as “the golden mean.” Once you reach “the golden mean,” you will be able to act in your own best interests, stand up for yourself, express feelings honestly and comfortably, and finally express personal rights without denying the rights of others.
The Optimism Test – Click Here to go to the test!
Do you view things negatively or positively? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? This test will help you discover which way, and to what extent, you are either a pessimist or optimist.
Each individual possesses an “explanatory style,” which is the way you habitually explain to yourself the reason events happen. While an optimistic explanatory style will stop helplessness, a pessimistic explanatory style consistently promotes it. Your explanatory style reflects what you carry in your “heart” and this test will show you if it is positive or negative.
The Self Esteem Test – Click Here to go to the test!
This assessment is designed to determine your level of self-esteem. Specifically, it looks at eight different factors heavily affecting the way you feel about yourself, how you perceive other people see you, and how these beliefs affect your capabilities.
This test will help you decipher the beliefs you have about yourself, as well as your overall level of self-esteem. You will be able to figure out if twinges of self-doubt are in fact recognizable symptoms of low self-esteem. How you feel about yourself affects how you behave. This test will assess different behaviors associated with low self-esteem and help you understand how your sense of self-worth, as well as how your self-esteem is affecting the way you live your life.